Based on 'Rock glazes of NZ'
Minna Bondy
Sample 75. Waitaki River Sand
(Schist in Otago is largely derived from greywacke and their bulk compositions are similar). The commonest mineral is quartz, with less abundant feldspar ( both plagioclase and Microline)

Although I have no exact reference points of where Bondy's samples were taken it's fairly easy to find access points along rivers where sand is easily accessed. Anglers access, domains, and boat ramps have proven to be the best spots.

This spot that has particular importance to me as Waitaki is the area that my ancestors moved to after immigrating to New Zealand in the 1830s. My father was born in Waimate and five generations of my families matriarchal line are buried in the Waimate cemetery, dating back to 1836. Along with my son, our visit meant seven generations present, which while driving added to the story of this place, knowing that for over 150 years my family were living in this Waitake landscape.
Test 12a, 12b